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“… Working with a large number of piano students at our university, Dr. Vladikovic achieved a remarkable pedagogical success … the high level of her piano performances and the repertoire intensity have shown with how much pedagogical enthusiasm, knowledge of piano literature, and capability of analytical sense she proceeded in her pedagogical activity …”

“… In addition to her performing career, Dr. Vladikovic is dedicated to excellence in her pedagogical pursuits.  As a teacher, she succeeds to take in and transfer to her students all of her musical knowledge … Dr. Vladikovic is aware that the pedagogical profession requires constant development and, in addition to her performing career she’s continuously looking for new ways and solutions to help her students improve and grow ...”


“… Dr. Vladikovic has an unparalleled ability to motivate her students and instill in them the same kind of enthusiasm for music that has brought her own career to its present heights …”


 “… The outstanding piano talent, great music temperament, meditative in realization of music work, outstanding strength in transferring music to her audiences – all these distinctions stir and persuade. Ms. Vladikovic possesses quality of a highly artistic individuality ...”

“… Dr. Vladikovic’s solo recitals and performances with orchestra are always accepted with warmth and enthusiasm both by audiences and critics.  Several important awards on national and international piano competitions attest to the fact that she belongs to a very select group of outstanding artists …”

“… Ms. Vladikovic possesses a rare technical prowess and expressive persuasiveness … yet, her ever present striving for excellence speaks about the purity and energy of her approach to her performing and teaching activities in the most noble way …”

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